Monday, September 6, 2010

Downs and Wardle SQ&R

Downs and Wardle SQ&R #1

Basically, this article involves a new method of teaching a first year composition (FYC) course. The article emphasizes the importance of being able to understand some activities related to scholarly inquiry and it goes beyond the basics of grammar and reading. This new method called “Teaching about writing” creates a proposal that by learning the fundamentals of writing, students can in fact become better writers. Instructors of the course should also be able to respond to the writing, therefore making them experts at reading. In the first case study Jack is insecure about his writing but over time the course helps him start thinking for himself. Due to the course’s focus on the way writing works, Jack was able to learn some key principles of writing. In Stephanie’s case study she learned about the connection between reading and writing. She was able to expand her knowledge about her rhetoric and writing skills. The outcomes that came from the course included increased self awareness about the course. Students learned a lot about the techniques of writing just from reading about it. This course helps students look at writing as more than just words or required texts. It helps students to become aware of the “words of real people” with purpose sought out between the text. Research is a lot like a conversation. In order to research something you must have some sort of background knowledge on the subject beforehand. The pedagogy isn’t perfect like nothing in this world is perfect. The course work is demanding and hard to grasp at the beginning. There is very limited resources and no textbook for first-year students. Students writing assignments may not be perfect but with time they will improve. The teachers of these courses should be knowledgeable but a significant amount of teachers do not have the proper training. How will learning about writing help us become better writers?
As students we’ve always been taught to write a certain way or to follow a certain format but this is completely new. Learning about writing and about ourselves through our writing is the perfect way to progress our already smudgy writing techniques. Being that I am a senior in high school/freshman in college (any way you look at it) I know my writing skills aren’t the best out there. I firmly believe and support this whole “Writing about Writing” idea. I think it can, in the long run, become very effective because it will help me see what improvements I need to make in my writing.


  1. +: I liked your summary, but I'm worried that it might have been a little lengthy? I know the article itself was very lengthy, but I think putting all your focus on the summary caused this SQ&R to fall short on the rest of it.

    -: Your response fell a little short. Next time, put more focus on that. Tell me about your previous experiences. Reflect on that. Try to divide it this way if you need to:

    150 words: summary
    250: response


  2. thanks for the advice but i'm a little confused as to what you mean by previous experiences..
