Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Three views of english 1301 SQ&R #3

Summary: The first view of English is writing as product. Product is depending on text to learn how to write. In other words, being a good reader will help give students ideas about what to write and therefore they will be transformed into sufficient writers.The product view is based on writing essays. It is based on traditional teaching methods and on the teacher-as-critic form of grading such as,the teachers search for misspelled words or grammatical errors, etc. The second view is writing as process. This view often called "Process-centered" or "expressivist-teaching" relies on having students write about the things that interest them. This view is more about free writing. The teacher's job in this view is to help the students build their confidence. Some of the things that students write for process are journal entries, autobiographical material, personal reaction assignments etc. Students also comment on other classmates writing drafts and call it a "work-in-process." The third view is writing as system. In the view of system writers look at their world and turn their own experiences into knowledge. Students in this view collaborate with one another. This view focuses on the ecological model. Students must learn that good writing comes from being able to look at a task, a language, a rhetoric, and an audience. The article end with finding the "common ground" between all three views. This is teaching because no matter what the method, students are all still trying to learn how to become better readers and writers.
Question: Which of the three views can I relate to the most? Which do I like best and why?
Response: Although all three views seem helpful and effective, I think the one I can most relate to could be writing as process. In this view students are allowed to have an open opinion. Students are given the opportunity to express themselves. I, myself, am a journal keeper. I love writing my journal. This form of writing is just easier for me because I'm no writing for a purpose or even for a grade. I'm simply writing for the fun of it. Its more like free writing. There really isn't any guidelines or rules. There is no right or wrong. This method is very effective in the sense that it helps students develop their own opinions about what they want to say or how thy feel about a certain topic. I think even you, Mr. Shoney, have used this method in our English 1301 class. Whenever you tell us to take out something to write with and write on. When you tell us to write about what we got out of the article. You aren't exactly telling us what to write; its our opinion. Its just writing for the sole purpose of us being able to tell you what we think. (kind of like this response about what I think) :)

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